How to have a Relaxing Massage with Peaceful and Productive Intentions

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Your life is always moving. You are always doing something. You are always in motion. While these can be good things, they can also lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. As our lives become more and more hectic, it’s essential to take time for yourself. To relax and recharge. One of the best ways to practice self-care is through massage. Massage is a form of healing that can help you relax and de-stress. It is a way to be more mindful and present in your life. Massage can help you reconnect with your body and your mind. When it comes to self-care, massage is a form of both productive and preventative care.

There are many benefits to massage including but not limited to: 

  • improved circulation
  • reduced stress and anxiety
  • improved range of motion
  • improved sleep quality
  • reduced pain


Whether you’re looking for a massage session to simply relax or hope to achieve a therapeutic outcome, it’s essential to come into it with the right intentions. Setting the right intentions ensures that you are able to experience the full potential and benefits of the massage while avoiding any negative effects.

What’s even more amazing is that massage can be easily incorporated into your life to help you live more intentionally and mindfully. By taking only a few hours each week to receive massage, you can bring a sense of calm and well-being into your life. If you are seeking a way to relax and de-stress, massage is a perfect solution for you. Are you ready to learn more about how massage can improve your life? Keep reading!

Set Goals

Most people come into a session with the hope of feeling relaxed after and feeling a physical benefit. What do you hope to achieve during your session? Do you hope to experience pain relief, stress reduction, or relaxation? Maybe you wish to heal mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Creating meaningful and productive intentions prior to your massage will help make the experience more impactful and worthwhile. 

Massage can heal many wounds, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Evaluate your goals and needs in these four areas of self-care.

Some examples are:

  • Physical Goals: relieving pain, healing after surgery or injury, releasing muscle tension 
  • Mental Goals: feeling relaxed, clearing the mind, finding confidence or gratitude
  • Emotional Goals: relieving stress, relieving mental health symptoms, alleviating emotional pain from a relationship
  • Spiritual Goals: experiencing self-love, aiding manifestation, sustaining mindfulness


Massage on its own is an amazing way to relax and recharge; however, by setting thoughtful and mindful intentions, your massage can become a healing, transformational experience. Take a few moments prior to your massage to write out your intentions. Keep those intentions in mind throughout your massage to ensure a more impactful and worthwhile experience. If you are comfortable communicate your goals and intentions with your massage therapist. This will improve your massage experience and the likelihood of reaching those goals.

Have Realistic Expectations

Don’t anticipate one massage session to heal all your physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds at once. Massage isn’t a miracle-working tool, but it is capable of many therapeutic effects with continuous and consistent use. It is also important to not misconstrue the massage as something to be fearful of. A good massage is meant to make you feel more balanced, relaxed, and connected with yourself. Coming into a massage with the wrong expectations or goals can negatively affect your experience.

Be Mindful

Take time to relax before your massage. The key to having a truly productive and healing massage experience is to remain present and mindful throughout. This can be difficult to do. Especially, if you are coming straight from work or other commitments. Take a few minutes to sit with yourself before a massage. Try to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. Let go of any distractions or concerns you may have that exist outside of this session. Have trust. Trust that your therapist has the necessary skills and experience to provide you with the care you need.

Once you are in your massage, allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, free your mind of judgment or unrealistic expectations. Observe your thoughts and emotions without critiquing them. Being present will help you focus on what matters most. Avoid distractions and negative self-talk during your session. Feel your body as it relaxes with each stroke. Don’t be afraid, ashamed, or embarrassed to release any emotions that come up. Allowing yourself to be mindful and present can enhance your healing journey.

Set and Respect Boundaries

Now it’s time to voice your intentions, needs, wants, and goals. If you have an ailment, don’t hesitate to let your massage therapist know about it. Communicating this it will provide your therapist a better insight into the issues you’re facing, allowing them to tailor the massage to your specific needs. If you have physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual goals you are working towards, feel free to share them with your therapist. Our professional therapists are a great source of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Additionally, if you’re feeling anxious or nervous, don’t be afraid to express those feelings too. Your therapist will work to ensure your comfort and privacy during the session. It is also important to communicate any boundaries you may have and to respect the therapist’s as well.

Continued Mindfulness

Create safe spaces for relaxation outside of your massage. Following your appointment, take some time to enjoy the feeling of restful calm that is left behind after a massage session. If time permits, spend time reflecting and journaling about your experience. Journaling after each session can help you to recognize and release negative feelings, keep a record of your progress, and focus on your positive emotions and personal wellness. 

Create Routines for Relaxation

Strive for intentional living outside your weekly massage. Living intentionally means being mindful and purposeful in all areas of your life. You can establish healthy habits and rituals that support your goals beyond the confines of your scheduled massage. Here are some wellness habits you may want to focus on:

  • Centralize your physical health in your life by consistently exercising and eating a balanced diet.
  • Check-in with yourself regularly through mindfulness exercises, such as meditation, yoga, or journaling.
  • Stick to a consistent schedule that maximizes your productivity and energy.
  • Learn to say “No”: Prioritize your time and energy by saying “No” to activities, relationships, or commitments that don’t align with your values or goals. Simply saying “No” can help you avoid burnout and direct your focus on what truly matters to you.
  • Appreciate what you have and cultivate a positive mindset by expressing gratitude daily. A positive mindset can help you stay motivated, optimistic, and resilient in the face of challenges.


Living intentionally takes effort and commitment, but the outcome can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


Fostering the right intentions every time you enter a massage can be difficult at first, but with the right preparation, it pays off and becomes easier over time. Regularly review your goals, actions, and outcomes, and adjust your strategies as needed. Celebrate your successes, learn from your failures, and stay committed to your vision. Remember that every massage session is unique, and approaching a session with the right mindset can help you achieve the best possible results. So if you’re seeking ways to improve your health and well-being, consider incorporating massage, mindfulness, and intentional living into your life.